Chapter III. The General Assembly
Article 8
- The General Assembly is the sovereign body of the association; its members are part of it in their own unwaivable right.
- The members of the association, meeting in a legally constituted General Assembly, decide by majority on matters within the competence of the Assembly.
- All members, including those absent, those who disagree and those who are present but have abstained from voting, are subject to the resolutions of the General Assembly.
Article 9
The General Assembly has the following powers:
- To approve, if necessary, the management of the governing body, the budget and the annual accounts.
- To elect and separate the members of the governing body and control their activity.
- To modify the statutes.
- To agree on the form and amount of contributions to the financing of the association or the payment of its expenses, including contributions to the association’s assets.
- To agree on the transformation, consolidation, spin-off or dissolution of the association.
- To agree to join and leave federations or confederations.
- To request the declaration of public utility.
- To approve the rules of procedure and their amendments.
- To know the applications submitted to become a member, as well as the registrations and cancellations of members and associates for a different reason than the definitive separation.
- To ratify, if necessary, the disciplinary leave and other sanctions imposed by the Management Board for very serious offences.
- To solve doubts on issues that are not expressly attributed to any other body of the association.
Article 10
- The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary session at least once a year, within six months of the closing date of the financial year.
- The governing body may convene the General Assembly on an extraordinary basis if it deems it appropriate, and must do so when requested by 10% of the members; in this case, the assembly must take place within thirty days of the request.
Article 11
- The Assembly is convened by the governing body by means of a notice which must contain, at least, the agenda, place, date and time of the meeting.
- The meeting must be called fifteen days before taking place, individually and in writing to the e-mail address that appears in the updated list of members that the association must have.
- The General Assembly may meet exceptionally by video conference, multi-conference or any other system that does not involve the physical presence of the members of the governing body. In these cases, it is necessary to guarantee the identification of those attending the meeting, the continuity in communication, the possibility of intervening in the deliberations and the casting of the vote. The meeting is understood to be held at the place where the president is located.
- The meetings of the General Assembly are chaired by the president of the association. If he is not present, he must be replaced, successively, by the vice-president or the oldest member of the Board.
- The secretary draws up the minutes of each meeting, which he or she must sign together with the president, with an extract of the deliberations, the text of the agreements adopted, the numerical result of the votes and the list of those attending.
- At the beginning of each General Assembly meeting, the minutes of the previous session are read out for approval or amendment. Five days earlier, the minutes and any other documentation must be made available to the members at the company’s premises.
Article 12
- The General Assembly is validly constituted no matter the number of present or represented members.
- 10% of the members can ask the governing body to include one or more items on the agenda. If the Assembly has already been called, they may do so within the first third of the period between the receipt of the call and the date on which this body is to meet. The assembly may only adopt resolutions on the items included on the agenda, unless it has been constituted on a universal basis or the resolutions relate to the convening of a new general assembly.
Article 13
- At the meetings of the General Assembly, each member of the association has one vote.
- Resolutions are decided by a simple majority of votes of the present or represented members.
- A qualified majority of the present or represented members is required for the adoption of resolutions on the amendment of the articles of the association, the dissolution of the association, the formation of a federation with similar associations or integration into an existing association, and the disposal or alignment of assets. In any case, the election of the Board of Directors, if several candidates are presented, is carried out by a simple or relative majority of the present or represented members.
- Formal applications are entitled to a copy of the list of members and their addresses and e-mail addresses, provided that the members expressly authorize so.